Windows 10 create folder in this pc
Windows 10 create folder in this pc

That adds a new document shortcut to Start menu as below. Then drag that shortcut from the desktop into the Start menu Programs folder in File Explorer. When you press that, it might state, “ Windows can’t create a shortcut here.” If that is so, press the Yes button to place the shortcut on the desktop instead. Open the C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms folder again, and press the Paste shortcut option on the toolbar.

windows 10 create folder in this pc

To add a new file, or document, shortcut to the Start menu, you should right-click a file in File Explorer to open its context menu. It will have New beside it to further highlight it’s a new Start menu entry. Then when you click the Start menu and All apps, you should find the folder listed on the index. If that is the case, press Continue on that window to move the folder into Start menu. Then you might get a Destination Access Folder Denied window. Now you should drag the folder shortcut on the desktop into the Start menu Programs folder (not a subfolder in the folder) open in File Explorer by selecting it and holding the left mouse button.

Windows 10 create folder in this pc